Dress Code
July 17, 2023
Our dress code is in many ways common sense however please ensure that the dress code is followed to ensure a pleasant visit and to avoid any embarrassment.
The basic principle is that traditional golfing attire is worn on the course and that the minimum standard of dress in The Clubhouse is what we would call smart casual.
However if more direction is needed please read below.
Jeans , football shirts, collarless T-shirts, track suits or trainers are not permitted at any time. However collarless shirts designed specifically for golf, may be worn on the course and in the Clubhouse. Ladies may wear sleeveless shirts provided they are tailored. ‘Leggings’ are not permitted on the golf course. Spikes or rubber soled golf shoes must be worn on the course. It is acceptable for beginners to wear training shoes on the driving range.
In the summer months Tailored knee length shorts, not combat style, together with either full hose or white sports socks may be worn by male members and guests. Ladies may wear short length socks.
Baseball caps or hats of any other description must not be worn the wrong way round.
Changing clothing in the car parks is strictly forbidden…please use our excellent changing facilities.
Mobile telephones may only be used in the car park close to your car and should not be used in or around the Clubhouse or on the course. Please ensure your telephone is switched off at all times.
Staff and Committee Members are authorised to approach members and visitors if the dress regulations are not being adhered to.